Community Photographers Needed!

By , 3 February, 2010, 1 Comment

Community Photographers

The weekend of March 12th – 14th will be Zephyrhills’ busiest weekend in 2010! Events are taking place at Zephyrhills High School, R.B. Stewart Middle School, Zephyr Park, and all up and down 5th Avenue. There’s no way just one or two people can cover all these events and make sure that the history of this historic event is preserved.

If you have a digital camera or video camera and would like to help, please contact Gary Hatrick today and let him know what event(s) you can cover. Email him at highroadzhills {at} aol(.)com or call him at (813) 312-7119.

1 Response {#}
  • Betty McHan

    Please send me more info on this event. thanks..

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